Simple ways to avocado

The avocado has created a slight uproar recently in the social media food world. Although technically a fruit, it's image has been into a somewhat ‘cool’ vegetable (if that’s even possible) to use in quite literally all of your meals.  Restaurants have even begun revamping their menus to incorporate the almighty avocado in its dishes wherever possible. Don’t get me wrong – we are not complaining. When a menu is set before us, our eyes are automatically drawn to wherever we see the word avocado. Our excitement is pretty tragic, actually. And while it would be great to be starting a blog on a new vegetable we found, something more exciting, exotic and easily compatible with all meals… it’s just yet to happen. So we joined the bandwagon and set aboard on the avocado hype and in all honesty – we are loving the ride. 

So keep reading for a couple simple and delicious  recipes which incorporate our all time favourite superfood: the avocado. 

This is one of my all time favourite side salads. It's perfect with some fish or just on it's own as a light lunch. All you'll need is 1 avocado, a handful of spinach leaves and some dressing. I've chosen to use a pomegranate dressing, which I purchased at a local turkish supermarket. Finish off with some fresh pepper and it's good to go! 

Next up is a meal you can eat at any time during the day - Avocado on toast! You will need simply an avocado (of course), some bread, (we recommend brown/seeded/rye bread, but any will do), half a red onion, 1 chorizo sausage and some paprika and pepper to season.
This is so simple but absolutely delicious and extremely filling, so if you're looking for a healthy snack/meal that will actually fill you up then this is perfect for you!

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